Beer Can Labels
Beer can labels for Rapscallion Brewery included all conceptualization, design, and execution, including vendor relations, preparing clean, press-ready files, sourcing, pricing, and proofing.
Rye IPAReleased in late fall, incorporates retro farm with rye accents.
MO-FestReleased for Oktoberfest in honor of Rapscallion co-founders Peter and Cedric Daniels' father, Mo Daniels.
Pumpkin LagerReleased in fall in honor of Rapscallion co-founder Peter Daniel.
Margarita SourReleased in late summer for a charitable bike ride hosted by Rapscallion.
Hophead IPAReleased in summer for Hophead Fest, utilized hops and retro gentleman with playful sunglass element.
Cream AleReleased in early summer and incorporated a retro summer camping theme.
Gose Can LabelSalted beer utilized oceanic theme with retro mermaid
Winterfest ’22 Can LabelIntroduction of Rapscallion’s newly designed Natasha dryad incorporated into design
Harvard LagerRecipe is from 1898 and label incorporates original logo design elements and retro feel.
Irish Stout Can LabelTraditional design with Rapscallion’s Natasha mascot incorporated
Noble Birch ’22 Can LabelCan label for beer brewed with locally foraged Black Birch twigs and sap, incorporating a modified version of Rapscallion’s Natasha dryad in the tree.